Even Superman could use life insurance!
July 23, 2013

Even Superman could use life insurance!

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By: Melissa Leong |2013/07/20 – Financial Post
Life insurance and disability insurance are not top of mind for young adults. It’s because they think they’re Superman, an insurance expert said to me. Well, Superman could use life and disability insurance too. As shown in comic books and movies, he could get hurt. He could die. We enlisted Alex Hoffman, a comic book retailer at The Beguiling in Toronto, and the insurance teams at TD Insurance and RBC Insurance to help us figure out how insurance could benefit Superman (you, in your mind) and how much it would cost him versus a regular healthy person (you, in reality).

What are some common questions that insurance companies will ask Superman before offering him coverage?

They will ask him his age (33), his height (6’3), weight (235 lbs) and occupation (reporter/superhero). They might ask whether he’s smoked tobacco or marijuana in the past 12 months (“Never, but Henry Cavill is prone to smolder,” Mr. Hoffman notes.) They also might ask him whether he has any intention of doing hazardous activity in the next 24 months (punching through buildings might be considered hazardous, so yes).

How much life insurance coverage does Superman need?

Superman will want to cover his debts, his funeral arrangements and perhaps provide some money to take care of his loved ones after he is gone.

He lives in a high-rise unit; so assuming that Metropolis is comparable to Toronto where the average price of a condo is $366,532, he might have a mortgage of $293,000 (after putting 20% down). He has also started dating Lois Lane and maybe he’s thinking about their future. TD Insurance recommends that Superman take out a 20-year term coverage for $500,000 which would cover his mortgage, final expenses and leave money for the family.

Would Superman’s extreme allergy to green rock affect his life insurance premiums?

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“It is crippling and Superman experiences a loss of power; but it is not life threatening,” says TD Insurance, or at least not life-threatening without prolonged exposure. “Since Superman is aware of the allergy and does all he can to stay away from Kryptonite, this would not affect his coverage. This is similar to individuals with nut and bee allergies.”


How would Superman’s extracurricular activities (leaping tall buildings in a single bound, etc.) affect his insurance policy? Can he even be insured?

Superman is eligible for insurance. His policy would not be impacted by his job as a reporter; but his “hazardous” activity as a superhero would result in an exclusion in his life insurance policy.

This means if Superman gets killed doing his superhero duties, if Lex Luthor murders him in a fight for example, the benefit would not be paid out, TD Insurance says. “If Clark Kent dies from illness or by accident such as killed crossing the road, hit by a car, natural disaster, or by a meteorite hitting the city, the death benefit would be paid to the beneficiary.”

Amateur boxing, drag racing, amateur scuba diving (greater than 125-foot depths), skydiving, and bungee jumping are some examples of common exclusions. Some companies also increase your premiums if you report these activities; so if you’re thinking of buying life insurance, you might consider getting it years before starting to base jump.

Well, what if Superman just fills out the insurance policy as Clark Kent?

That’s not a good idea. Not answering the questions truthfully or failing to disclose the information could result in the insurers declining payment. “So it would be important for Superman to disclose his superhero activities at the time of application as to avoid getting his benefit declined at the time of claim,” TD Insurance says.

So how much are his monthly premiums for life insurance?

A policy for a term of 20 years for $500,000 would cost Superman $43.32 per month with TD Insurance.

What would protect Superman if he gets injured and can’t go to his job at the Daily Planet?

He might consider disability insurance to replace his income or to cover his living expenses while he’s recuperating. Clark Kent makes about $4,528 gross a month (the average salary of a journalist in Canada was $54,335, according to Statistics Canada in 2006).

His 25-year mortgage at a closed five-year rate of 5.14% results in a $1,588 monthly mortgage payment. He might consider being insured for $3,175 a month to live comfortably and avoid having to go home to his family’s farm or stay at his Fortress of Solitude.

Would his frequent flying and extreme activities affect his monthly premiums for disability insurance?

Yes. A $3,175 monthly benefit (which would be paid after 120 days of being unable to work and for up to five years) would cost Superman $84.32 a month, according to RBC Insurance. Another otherwise healthy non-smoking journalist who didn’t fly into space to uppercut aliens might pay $56.21 for the same coverage.

Similarly, 23-year-old Wonder Woman’s monthly premiums for $3,175-a-month disability insurance might be $72.50 a month. (A lady who doesn’t regularly fly an invisible plane would pay $58 for the same coverage.)

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