Life insurance is really Love insurance
Life insurance is an expression of love, and when you really think about it, flowers, candy and even diamonds can’t compare to the endearing message that life insurance planning can deliver. It’s the promise of financial security for your loved ones and peace of mind for yourself, and while that may not sound particularly romantic, it’s an incredibly loving gesture.
When you love someone, you want to make sure that person is taken care of if something happens to you. Leaving them a financial legacy through the provision of a life insurance policy is an emotional decision and an act of unconditional love. As a love letter, your life insurance policy would say:
I love you…and care about your well-being: Life insurance provides options. Canadians pay close to $13.5 billion in life insurance premiums[1] to ensure that those they love can cover expenses and maintain their lifestyle in the event of their death. At a time when difficult decisions need to be made, life insurance helps relieve burdens and provide for family left behind.
I love you…and want you to feel secure: Life insurance is protection. A 2013 study revealed that in Canada, married households with children under age 18 are underinsured and 3 in 4 would have difficulty paying everyday living expenses after only a few months if a primary wage earner were to die[2]. Your love can carry on through life insurance, providing a recovery plan that allows your family to fund their futures and realize their dreams.
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I love you…and want the best for you: Life insurance is an asset. It enables families to thrive, not just survive, when one income is lost. Life insurance benefits can help pay off debts, cover the mortgage, and provide for education.
At the core, life insurance is about loved ones taking care of loved ones. Rethinking how you will say I love you to your Valentine? Insure your love.