Should you dump the guy with money problems?
Melissa Leong – 13/07/27- Financial Post
Jason is 27-years-old and single in Vancouver.He enjoys his government job, loves playing sports, going hiking and spending time with his German Shepherd. He’s looking for a woman who is outgoing and philosophical.
Also, as of 2012, he had $35,000 in consumer debt. Is Jason datable? Should someone’s financial stability be a deal breaker?
In an age where people enter serious relationships with more financial baggage and where you can curate online dating profiles based on spending habits, financial experts argue that money matters when it comes to love.
“Feel free to have your way with whomever your partner is; but don’t hitch your cart to a horse headed into a ditch,” says Gail Vaz-Oxlade, money guru and author of Money Rules.
“What you’re marrying is someone’s character and their financial behaviour is a reflection of their character. If they don’t think they have to pay back what they borrowed, what does that say down the road for their relationship; if they always put the here and now before the there and then, what does that say for your relationship long-term?”
Matchmaking services and financial experts both stress financial compatibility — with reason given how money problems can destroy relationships. Dating websites such as eHarmony allow users to indicate whether they are spenders or savers in their profiles. CreditScoreDating.com (“where good credit scores are sexy”) asks members to provide credit scores for potential sweethearts.
“I don’t think it’s fair to say that people are dating to gain financially; but if you are taking on someone’s financial burden, that tips the scale a little bit,” says Laura Tulley, a 26-year-old Toronto-based publicist.
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Five things you spend on when dating
The cost of dating, according to a research team at RateSupermarket.ca, is about $7,000. This includes 12 movie dates ($515.40), three “apology” flower deliveries ($149.85) and a new wardrobe for when she “improves” him ($980.81). Here’s a look at the costs that add up when looking for love.
Jason, who asked that his last name be withheld, knows that debt isn’t sexy. (Almost half of respondents to a Match.com survey would not date someone who is in debt.) But Jason’s doing everything he can to cut his debt — he moved in with his parents, sold his Honda Civic and lives by a strict budget.
He makes $60,000 a year and expects to be debt free in about a year and a half. He’s also on the lookout for a fiscally stable mate. “On a scale of one to 10, them being financially responsible and in a sound position would be an 8,” he says.
Even though savers are perceived as less exciting, adventurous and fun than spenders, people prefer dating savers, according to research.
There’s something attractive about someone who is the master of their domain, who is in control
“Your spending habits can signal broader traits about the person,” says Scott Rick, assistant professor of marketing at the University of Michigan who studies relationships between spenders and savers.
If you show people a photo of a physically fit model and ask whether he is a saver or a spender, they would say he’s a saver.
“We find that self-control matters more than what you have in the bank account. There’s something attractive about someone who is the master of their domain, who is in control,” Prof. Rick says.
But our fondness for savers seems to clash with the fact that people must spend to attract mates.
British psychologists put up one of four photos of the same man standing either alone or next to three different cars. When the man was shown next to the most prestigious car (a Mercedes C Class C300), he was rated as more attractive. In other words, hot cars equal hot men. On a more primal level, man with hot car equals man with the ability to provide shelter and food for the family.
When trying to mate, while men are willing to invest in flashier goods, women will spend to signal generosity.
“I could be a very wealthy guy who has certainly saved a lot of money; but I engage in sexual signaling by the conspicuous consumption acts that I display, such as the Rolex that I wear. There’s no point saving all of this money if the world doesn’t know that I have it,” says Gad Saad, a marketing professor at Concordia University and author of The Consuming Instinct. “We walk a fine line between cues of stability and safety; but also risk taking is a premium and attractive to women.”
Prof. Rick notes that lavish spending is most effective when attracting women looking for short-term hook-ups. “You don’t necessarily want to marry the jerk with the Ferrari.”
Then what about people who date the starving artist?
“In this case, they are choosing this guy based on the likelihood of his future. They’re betting on the fact that his talents will eventually see him ascend the social hierarchy,” he says.
We’re all shy to admit that money is important when it comes to love. (Even Kanye West is not going to come right out and call someone a gold digger.) We affirm our independence as women; but we appreciate when the man pays.
“We all work really hard to be romantic and try not to act like we’re pragmatic. There’s a lot of shaming around gold digging. I can’t stand that term,” says Marina Adshade, a professor at the University of British Columbia and the author of Dollars and Sex.
“When we talk about women trying to find someone with some financial stability, immediately what jumps into people’s mind is some 20-year-old bombshell who’s looking for some multimillionaire. But for most of the women in the world, it just means finding someone who will make sure their children have food and has some form of stability…It’s not having the stress of being with someone who has limited means.”
Gloria MacDonald, founder of Perfect Partners, a matchmaking service based in Ontario, asks all of their clients if income is important. “Over 95% of women said ‘yes’ and over 90% of men didn’t care,” she says. Though women have more financial power than ever before, we’ve grown up seeing the archetype of the male as the provider and that influences our expectations, Ms. MacDonald says.
Prof. Adshade suggests that the select men who use match-making services are often more financially secure and she believes that most men care greatly about their partners’ finances.
The person you want to spend the rest of your life with is the person who has your back
We’re marrying later, marrying again, marrying with massive student debt and marrying with children; financial lives today are more complicated than ever. About 29% of women in Canada out-earn their male partners and more men are staying at home with the kids. “Back in the 1940s and 1950s, you were the sole breadwinner, with bills to pay and a whole pack of children; it must have been extremely stressful for men,” Prof. Adshade says. “Now some of that burden is lifted so they’re not 100% financially responsible which means they can do other things like follow their dreams or they can work part-time and spend more time with their children.”
So returning back to Jason’s dilemma: Should he increase his entertainment budget of $50 a month to spend on dating or pay off his consumer debt as soon as possible before seeking a soul mate?
“The argument to pay off my debt ASAP is that I can use my current debt payments to afford a car and rent an apartment again. My biased male opinion — not having a car or your own place can be kind of unattractive to most women,” he says.
“But I am giving up 20 months of time in potentially meeting new people, which could lead me to finding someone special or ‘the one.’”
Perhaps a balance can be found.
Ms. Vaz-Oxlade warns us about mates with rampant spending and who are only making the minimum payments on their credit card; but she also cautions us about people who care too much about materialistic things.
“Why would you want to hook up with a person that put the kind of car you drove before the content of your character? Dump them,” she says. “The person you want to spend the rest of your life with is the person who has your back.”